About Me

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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
I tell my story. I'm not here to sell a product, but to challenge people's thoughts to take better care of themselves. To validate those that are already doing this. To educate, to eradicate the mental health stigma, to influence those that need influencing and doing all of this with respect as each person has their own journey and we need to recognise that. I am vulnerable and raw. I have to be authentic. I am me. I have faults, I have made and continue to make mistakes, but I learn from those mistakes, I am me.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

A special day...

Was incredibly honored to be invited as a panelist for the Chamberlain Foundation Lunch today. The Chamberlain Foundation do some amazing work in the mental health space and have donated $350,000 towards Lifeline, GriefLine and RUOK, an incredible effort.

"Razor" Ray Chamberlain and his brothers, Brian and Peter do a power of work and today donated a massive $30,000 to the Police Association of Victoria for an upcoming program to strengthen the mental health of my colleagues and for this, I am especially grateful.

Being up on stage in front of 250+ people being interviewed by Brad McEwan, who is a brilliant Master of Ceremonies, was very humbling and to share this with my mate Erin Cotter-Smith all made for one of those days which you will remember for all the good reasons.

Honest and open conversations about mental health are becoming more common now and we all need to do more in this space.

Brad mentioned that in my podcast with Erin for Conversations with The Code 9 Foundation that I wouldn't change my diagnoses if I could. Today is one of the main reasons why I wouldn't. You see, thanks to the Chamberlain's, I was given an opportunity to tell parts of my story to a large crowd and help influence them to take the important steps to either maintain their mental health or to seek out some assistance if they are struggling.

Being exposed to and connecting to people like the Chamberlains, Brad, champion netballer Geva Mentor, our Code 9 Foundation Ambassador Tiff Cook and the ever brilliant Erin Cotter Smith has all happened because of my diagnoses, so was it a negative experience, bloody oath it was but that is now a very positive experience.

The feedback received was very humbling and as I continue to work on my identity and who I am, I know I need to back myself more but hey we are all a work in progress and it is a long way back from having no self confidence or self esteem, but I am getting there.

Thank you Ray, Brian and Peter. Very grateful for the opportunity.

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